Textile Texts
18th Century French sample book: http://florizel.canalblog.com/archives/2006/11/04/3069615.html
Ajarakh sample book available from Slow Fiber Studio: http://shop.slowfiberstudios.com/collections/books/ajarakh-natural-dye-printing-cloth-book
These fabric sample books inspired me to explore the idea of fabric books. I had them as a child, and then switched to paper once I was reading on my own. Historically, girls made samplers to simultaneously learn letters and practice embroidery - early onset of a multi-tasking habit that now I try so hard to unlearn.
Adult literature is rarely printed on fabric, however, sampler books are still being made like this one that shows the many steps to printing Ajarakh fabric.
A sample book to record and catalog my printed fabrics.